Friday, July 19, 2013

Barefoot and Pregnant...with Twins!

As I am almost 34 weeks pregnant, I figure it's time to finally blog about my pregnancy!

We found out December 27, 2012 that we were pregnant! And then we found out December 31, 2012 that it was TWINS! What?!?  Yep, twins. Oh boy!

5 weeks
As far as pregnancies go and from what I had read on twin pregnancies, I would have to say that this pregnancy has been a breeze.  I didn't have any morning sickness.  I got sick only twice the entire time.  First time was because I was hungry and hadn't eaten anything in a while, I was on my way to the kitchen to make myself lunch! I had to turn around and run to the bathroom.  The second time was a little while later and it was from a bad whiff of something and I had just eaten breakfast...I lost it the sink :x Yuck, because then I had to clean the sink :(
Our pregnancy announcement
We were very fortunate in that a friend that Eric had worked with was moving here to KL!  We had my parents head to Target and buy out the store and we bought out everything baby online as well and my parents took it over to our friends house for her to load in her container shipment.  Thank goodness! Everything baby is so freaking expensive here! It's crazy! We bought two cribs for $500 and some friends of ours spent $600 on one here! Maternity clothes, baby clothes, furniture, decorations, just everything is more expensive here than the states.  We got pretty much everything we needed from the states and sent in the shipment (ie. stroller, car seats, cribs, changing table, dresser, and other odds and ends). 

 our goodies from the states
At 12 weeks we had our trip to Bali (which had been previously planned).  It was a great trip!  I felt so lame at night though, we did nothing at night!  Life really does change when you're pregnant, lol.  You can read more on Bali in my previous blog on our trip. :)
At 20 weeks we went in for our detail scan and found out we were having a boy and a girl! We couldn't have been happier.  So exciting to have a little baby boy and baby girl at once!  Everything was good in the scan and the 80 pictures we received of everything they checked on a CD.  Such a relief to know that everything is good. 
20 Weeks

 Just after my doctor appointments I was able to travel to Houston to see family and friends and so that they could see me pregnant as well!  It was an amazing trip home.  I got to see my family, the in-laws and friends.  I was able to eat all sorts of good food (most of it not good for me), but delicious all the same since I can't get that stuff here (luckily, which is probably why I have only put on 30 lbs instead of 50!).  I was able to have a baby shower with friends and family, hosted by my wonderful friend Rachael!! I loved every second of it and it was done beautifully!  I was also able to fly up to Chicago to be in a friends wedding.  It was awesome to be there and be apart of Nicki's special day.  I am so happy that she asked me to be there with her and I was able to actually be there! And I got to see other friends up in Chicago which was amazing.  I had a fantastic trip home, it was 3-1/2 weeks but I was definitely ready to get home to the hubby by the end.  Eric's boss was also nice enough to allow me to fly back to KL in business class, which was amazing when you are almost 6 months pregnant!!

Taking this pregnancy journey along with me are two good friends here in KL, Cynthia and Kimbra.  Cynthia is about 2 weeks ahead of me and Kimbra is (was) about 7 weeks ahead of me.  Kimbra just had her beautiful baby girl this week, congrats to her and her hubby! Cynthia is preggo with a boy and I was fortunate enough to round it out with one of each! :)  Everyone gets a buddy, I really hope that they can remain lifelong friends as we would love to remain that way with their parents!  It's been awesome having two people to share this with (aside from Eric of course).  I mean he's great, but doesn't really know what it's like to be pregnant, he likes to think he's got couvade syndrome sometimes though, lol. 
me, Kimbra, Cynthia

the whole gang
Jesse, Cynthia, me, Eric, Kimbra, David
It really has been a good pregnancy so far.  I didn't have a lot of the issues that everyone else complains about.  I didn't have morning sickness, haven't really swelled up, I've only put on 30 lbs (which I think is pretty good for twins), no bed rest (in fact I am still getting out and about and working out on occasion).  Of course there have been hormones on occasion, heartburn has reared it's ugly head in the last month or two, sore boobs in the beginning and starting again now, fatigue for sure.  Now I am getting to the point where I am uncomfortable... a lot! But surviving.
These last couple weeks have been the most uncomfortable.  The babies are growing, which is good, but I don't seem to be able to keep up with them!  Don't get me wrong, I'm getting bigger, but I don't seem to be able to keep up.  They are moving, rolling, kicking, punching, and I feel it all!  Some days/nights it feels like I fell into a mosh pit and I'm just getting stomped on!  Baby girl is a bit of a wild one, she moves all over and pushes out on me and makes me the most uncomfortable.  Baby boy isn't nearly as bad, thank goodness, not sure I could handle two crazy babies in there!!  I complain, but it's really neat to feel them move (most of the time) and I can feel body parts, not sure what they are, but it's parts.  I'm definitely having trouble sleeping now and over the most of the pregnancy actually.  I have found out that I don't like sleeping on my side, I'm a back sleeper.  Sleeping on my side hurts my ear at times, shoulder at times, and or hip at times...sometimes all three hurt.  I constantly flip sides, which is getting more difficult as I get bigger, I get up to pee at least once every night, some night two or three times, when I would never wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom before.  It's hard to get up off the couch too, when Eric is here I make him help me up and he laughs at me. 

At 20 weeks I was told my placenta was low, and about 32 weeks the doctor confirmed placenta previa.  This means that I cannot have a natural birth (both babies aren't head down either).  So, as of now our scheduled delivery date and birthday of our babies will be August 12th!  Hopefully they don't decide they want to come earlier than that, because I will be 37 weeks on delivery which is considered full term for twins.  So they need to stay cooking in there till then! 

20 weeks

30 weeks
25 weeks

It's been an amazing journey so far, but I am ready to meet these little guys.  I am also scared to death and not sure I am ready.  We have just over 3 weeks until D-Day.  It's exciting and scary and every other emotion you can think of.  I think we are as ready as one can be for having a baby for the first time and trying to prepare for what it's like to have twins...not sure that's so easy to prepare for, so we are just going with it.  We will figure it all out and it will be wonderful. 
We can't wait!

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